Body Massages
A deep tissue massage using a firm pressure particularly effective for those with either a sports injury or muscular pain. The massage techniques used work across the fibres of the muscles, applying deep finger pressure on particular areas, releasing muscle knots and tension.
Please note…You may feel a bit sore after this treatment. Make sure you rest, drink plenty of water, your muscles need time to heal and repair from the massage.
Back & shoulder - £33 (35mins)
Full Body - £50 (60min)
A classic massage with the added benefit of a blend of essential oils. Inhaling these oils and absorbing them through your skin gives you a sense of relaxation and wellbeing, perfect for recharging your batteries.
Back & Shoulder - £33 (35mins)
Full Body (including face & neck) - £65 (70 min)
Hot Stones Therapy
Hot and cold stones therapy treatment is designed to work in two ways. The heat from warm basalt stones makes it easier to access the muscle tissue faster on a deeper level, soothing tense and congested muscles. The cool marble stones help to alleviate swelling and reduces pain in injured muscles. This treatment is perfect for clients with tense muscles in need of extreme relaxation.
Back & Shoulder - £38 (40 min)
Full Body (inc face & neck) - £70 (80 min)
Lava Shell Massage
A heated treatment using tiger clam shells, a great alternative to the Hot Stones therapy, this tranquil massage has a lighter approach by gently relaxing and smoothing away knots and reduces any watery tension and swelling. The lava shells are self heating and can retain the heat for up-to an hour - allowing your therapist to provide a continuous and seamless massage.
The shells were originally harvested for food in the Philippines for hundreds of years. The shells used to be thrown away, but are now being recycled and used for Lava shell massage - making this a great eco-friendly holistic treatment.
Back & Shoulder - £40 (40 min)
Full Body (inc face & beck) - £70 (80min)
Thai Compress
The traditional Thai Compress is a heated muslin parcel of aromatic herbs and spices used for centuries throughout Thailand to relieve tired, weary bodies and minds. The Thai herbal compress technique offers potential health benefits such as relieving stress and fatigue, assists alignment and postural integrity and stimulates the internal organs.
Back & Shoulder - £38 (40min)
Full Body - £70 (80min)
Indian Head Massage
40 Minute Treatment - £45
A treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, face, neck and shoulders. Helps to prevent migraines and headaches, by eliminating toxins reducing the effects of stress and tension… guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed and chilled.
Lava Shell Face & Neck Tension Release
55 minutes - £50
Combining techniques from the Indian massage along with heat from the lava shells, we have created a treatment that concentrates on areas to the face and neck in which we feel pain and aches.
People suffering with stress and anxiety can especially struggle with headaches/facial aches due to the grinding of the teeth resulting tension in the jawline, back of head and neck.
In this treatment we work on upper neck pressure points, stretching and relaxing of the neck & shoulder muscles, along with pressure points on the face - helping to reduce tension and puffiness. A heated eye pillow is laid over the eye area, along with a lava shell massage over the arms and shoulders… purely for your relaxation.
Stomach Massage
15 Minute Treatment - £20
A detoxifying treatment, to help relieve bloating and discomfort. Great for clients who suffer with IBS and stomach swelling.